Лекторите: Noel Tock

Ако сте били на WordCamp София 2013 или на WordCamp Europe 2014, сигурно сте се сблъскали поне веднъж с Ноел – гледали сте лекциите му, говорили сте си с него в почивките или сте си казвали “Наздраве” с джин и тоник – неговото обичайно питие.

Ноел е от Швейцария, но от почти две години е от племето на дигиталните номади – хората, които обикалят света и правят бизнес едновременно. Той е дизайнер по професия, но страстта му са уеб продуктите. В момента ръководи всички продукти в Human Made, с основен фокус върху Happytables – SaaS, насочен към ресторанти и малки заведения.

Ноел обожава София и лекцията му дойде 5 минути след като обявихме call for speakers. За какво ще говори и малко повече за това какви ги върши напоследък ще ви каже самия той.

Интервюто е на английски, както ще бъде и лекцията му на 24 октомври от 11:20 в Зала 14.

Noel talking product vision with the bloggers of United Influencers. Photo by Frederik Guttormsen

Hey Noel! How’s it going! Can you introduce yourself to our readers quickly?

I’m a Swiss digital nomad and partner at Human Made. My passion is in building products online and solving real problems. This is my third time back to Sofia, last time I even stayed for a month because I really enjoy the city and more importantly, the people that are inside of it 🙂 Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.

What is the most interesting WordPress project you’ve been involved with recently?

Always a lot going on, but most recently I’ve been inspired by the nomadic and remote working community. Joe & I decided to kick-off Nomadbase which is a real-time map of digital nomads (using their latest check-in across; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Swarm). It uses React JS and the WordPress REST API. The tech stack is the future of WordPress.

How did you get into WordPress?

Was a while back. Was trying to create a website solution for restaurants, ended up using WordPress and making my first money using it by selling themes.

You came to WCSof in 2013, what made you come back this year?

10:00 Memento
12:00 Made in Home
16:00 Nargile (Наргиле) playing Cards against Humanity
22:00 Mixtape 5 / Kanaal / Flip Flop
04:00 Mimas (Мимас)
04:05 Walking home with new dog friends.

Who can complain with a daily schedule like that?

Tell us a bit about your talk „Web Publishing in 2016“. Why did you choose that subject?

One of the companies we’ve worked with has been United Influencers, a Scandinavian blogging platform that amongst others also has Zlatan & Messi. With well over 10 million pageviews, I’ve taken a big interest into content strategy and publishing as a whole. It’s changing a lot more than I had initially thought so it’s becoming a very important topic to talk about.

What would you say to someone who’s not been to a WordCamp before?

What’s not to say; regardless of skill or experience, you’ll feel welcome and meet many like-minded people. Just extend your hand and “Say, hi I’m …”. The rest is history.


WordCamp София e в събота, 24 октомври, в кино Арена Младост. Ако все още нямате билет, вземете си от тук.